Being a terminal of excellence it is our main purpose. Here, we have people of respect, who act with quality, placing our Costumer in the center of the business. Together, we are change agents, protagonists, and we want to go far beyond expectation. We want to hear our Costumers, tranform your sugestions, compliants and compliments into concrete actions and understand that it is always possible to do better.
We want to grow, but not alone. The growth of our terminals it is represented by the success of all the people that share with us this purpose. Our essence is dare to dream with the achievment of bigger goals. We dream. Dream a lot. Dream all the time. And set new goals, objectives and, ultimately, acomplish them.
When we started our operations nobody believed that we could become reference in liquid bulk terminals of the Port of Santos, the biggest port in Latin America. We went there and acomplished. We dreamed of having one more terminal. We went there and acomplished. Dreamed with the implantation of the firt private docking berth. Acomplished. Were we satisfied? No! So we dreamed with the third operation terminal. If you got our essence, you already know the answer: acomplished!
All of this were acomplished because we make it happen. We are people who believe that we can do more and better, people who want to fly away, people who want to look to the horizon and with confidence say: “I want to get there!” We were born to be giants. And who is born with this essence don’t ever stop dreaming. Our essence guide us!

Be the largest e most efficient Liquid Bulk Terminal in Brazil.
Operate in high standards of safety for clients, employees, society and environment;
Be the favorite Terminal/Port Operator by the clientes under operational and commercial aspects, acknwoledge by your’s agility, professoinalism and commitment with the business.
Act in a rentable way for the shareholders, competitive for the market and motivational for our employees.
Our values