Santos/SP: Ilha Barnabé, S/N – Docas
São Paulo/SP: , Rua Hungria 1400 - 7º andar - Jardim Europa
Road: For road vehicles, the access must be through Rodovia Cônego Domênico Rangoni (SP-55), in the direction of Guarujá, taking the first exit on the right after KM 251, and continuing until the end by the CODESP Private Access road, where the GATE 26 is located.
Sea: Via ferry, the access must be through the Boarding Point located on the Right Bank of the Organized Port of Santos, at Rua Xavier da Silveira, s/n, located behind Santos Customs. The crossing may be made by a company specialized in offering the navigation service, subject to a fee charged by the service concessionaire.
As it is an area controlled by the Port, it is necessary to obtain prior authorization to access the GATES. Request information to the Authorization Sector (recepcao@ageoterminais.com.br or +55 13-3202 3500)